Small and slow is beautiful!
It was March 29th 2016 when we started drawing the first traces on the grass. Then it all seemed too big. And instead, little by little, Nature has begun to fill that flat space, weaving its infinite network of relationships and energy exchanges of which we are part. Follow the images of our little story, browsing through the galleries related to the different years, and see how the system is evolving.
2016 - The first steps
Preparation of raised for veggies
Preparation of the first 2 food forests
First experiments with sowing
Construction of the mobile poultry house
Arrangement of materials stored in the shed
First gardens on mulched bed
Planting of hedges
First experiences with volunteers
The first composters
Excavations for 2 rainwater collection ponds
2017 - The second year begins
Biomass creation: wood chips and biochar
Creation of 2 water storage basins
Preparation of the planting area with south-north rows
Creation of the central area for Mediterranean plants
Planting of small fruits bush trees
Construction of the octagonal gazebo
Cereal harvest (in the hilly area)
First celebratory events
Different experiences with volunteers
2018 - In evolution
The renovation of the building begins
Ecological experiments with animals
Almost all trees and shrubs have been planted
Nature begins to colonize and biodiversify
Construction of the perimeter fence (with funding call)
Construction of the third and largest water storage basin, of almost 100,000 disputes
Production of vegetables, pumpkins, aubergines, tomatoes
More volunteers arrive
2019 - The system goes towards maturity
L'evoluzione del parco nel corso degli anni
Prima ancora di cominciare il progetto. A parte alcuni grandi alberi piantati anni prima c'è solo un prato inerbito
Il progetto non è ancora iniziato. Vengono piantati 25 alberi da frutto in filare per avere un po' di frutta
Prima ancora di cominciare il progetto. A parte alcuni grandi alberi piantati anni prima c'è solo un prato inerbito