Processed products
We produce different processed food using mainly what we get from our crops. The products deriving from agro-ecosystemic crops are rich in life and flavor deriving from the high biodiversity present, and therefore from the innumerable interactions that every tree, every bush, every herb has with the entire surrounding system. Not being able to dispose of particularly high quantities of products, we work to obtain the maximum and give each of our products a touch of specialty. You can buy our products or simply enjoy them in the facility or in the agro-park, during the summer.
Fruit jams
Da fare
Le farine e i grani da cottura
Nel nostro sito produttivo di Vedriano di Canossa, produciamo grani da cottura come farro e orzo, e farine da cereali antiche. le nostre farine sono tutte integrali o semintegrali e macinate rigorosamente a pietra. Tra le altre proponiamo le seguenti varietà:
Farro dicocco
Orzo mondo
Frumento semiduro Khorasan
Frumento Autonomia B
Frumento Terminillo
Other transformed products
Da fare
Local traditional foods
In our laboratory we produce some of the foods of the Emilian tradition, often trying to re-elaborate the recipes in order to use different spontaneous edible herbs that we disseminate or collect in the Vedriano - Canossa area, where our farm has about 7 hectares of land. We also produce the flours that we obtain from crops on the spot. Among other things we prepare "tortelli", "cappelletti", "potato gnocchi", "cappellacci" and "palline".